Picture day is always a fantastic day. Everyone comes to school dressed to impress and with perfect hair. I love to see the side of the students. In addition to all the 7th and 8th grade students getting their picture taken during their PE period, they also had a little bit of time to review their PE guidelines and then take the test (grades will be updated soon on Aeries).
9/5/2014: C.A.R.E.
As many of you know our school wide expectations for behavior can be summed up by C.A.R.E Cooperation, Accepting Differences, Respect and Encouragement). At this time the 7th and 8th grade students are very familiar with C.A.R.E, but we would never start the year without reviewing it because it sets the tone and is the foundation for all that we do in physical education and on campus. On Friday the students were asked to brainstorm examples of cooperation and they came up with some good ones. Following the brainstorming session students engaged in a variety of activities that required cooperation. They did great and I am looking forward to watching these students grow stronger due to this supportive environment.
Daily family workout
For time:
1. Half-mile *piggyback carry
- Take turns carrying a partner around a track until you cover 2 laps
- *If this is too hard or uncomfortable fill a backpack with some heavy stuff and complete a 1/2 mile or 2 laps.
- Take turns carrying a partner around a track until you cover 2 laps
- *If this is too hard or uncomfortable fill a backpack with some heavy stuff and complete a 1/2 mile or 2 laps.
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