Wednesday, September 3, 2014

9-3-2014: Running

Many people cringe when they hear, "hey... let's go for a run" and I am one of them.  When I think of running I think of pain, more pain, and... more pain.  But the reality is, that running is one of the best ways to work on your heart health, aerobic capacity, muscular endurance in your legs and, if you couple it with some real post-run stretching, flexibility. Not to mention that it doesn't require anything but a pair of running shoes.   I also think that a lot of people don't enjoy running because they are not good at it and I say, "attack your weakness and make it a strength" or at least make it better.  

Today we shared with our students the expectations for our continuous runs, a kind of "rules of the road" if you will.   Following that instructional time, the students got out and had at it for about 5 minutes.  This year we will be working our way up to 25-30 minutes of continuous running.

Daily family workout

Interval training (you will need a watch for this)

1.  Warm up

5 minute jog warm up

2. Workout

10 rounds of:
20 sec fast run
10 sec walk

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