Friday, August 29, 2014

8-29-2014: "Friday Fun Day"

Over the past week and a half the students have been patiently waiting to play for the sake of playing, and today they got to do just that.  Today the students played a game called "Rocks"... think Capture the Flag with an endless amount of flags and non-stop action.

After splitting the class into two very large teams, the students put on waist flags and get on their half of the field.  When I say go, they charge their opponent's "rock" pile and take a rock (in this case, a whiffle ball).   If they can dodge their way back to their side, and put the rock in their pile, it gives them an advantage over their opponents.  The team with the most amount of rocks in their pile when we stop the game wins a point.  

Today our 7th and 8th grade students demonstrated why they are the leaders of the school. They showed a tremendous amount of control, speed and agility, not to mention aerobic capacity.  It was fun to just step back and watch them play for 10-15 minutes.  

Daily family workout

For every family member in your household complete 75 push ups over the weekend (break them up all weekend long).

For example: I live with my wife, brother-in-law, 2 dogs and a cat, so between the 3 of us humans we are going to do 350 push ups this weekend.  

Thursday, August 28, 2014

8-28-2014: Strength training

Today began our first day of strength training and that includes teaching the students how to move their bodies in a way that is safe and efficient.  This year the 8th graders started out by teaching each other what they remember from last year's strength and warm ups (proper form in the squat, push up, sit up, jumping jack and various stretches).  The 7th graders were brought up to speed by the teachers.

In addition to strength training the students also did a short continuous run and participated in a movement activity called "Have you ever?..." 

Daily family workout:

Go for a hike, run or bike on some of the awesome local trails in our area.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

8-26-2014: 3,2,1...


Tomorrow we start our first day dressing out.  For 7th graders, everything they experience they are experience for the first time.  And for the 8th graders, they are the veterans of the school; looking at everything from the top.  I'm excited to get these kids moving, exercising, playing, dancing, learning and having a good time doing it.

Our first order of business tomorrow is locker room orientation for the 7th graders and re-orientation for the 8th graders.  Following that we will do final clothing sales and loan out clothes as necessary.  And then they will dress in to their PE clothes for the first time this year and get moving a bit.  We are going to turn them loose on the exercises they learned last year and see how much they remember.  

Also, remind your children about intramurals.  Here are some activities that the students may be participating in this year if they so choose: (this list is in no particular order)

- Speedminton tournament
- Archery (morning or after school)
- Basketball tournament
- Fitness focus (morning or after school)
- Field games (i.e. capture the flag, treasure hunt, ultimate ball)
- Flag football tournament
- Volleyball

This is by no means and exhaustive list nor does it mean that these are all going to be played this year.  Please have your children keep an ear in the bulletin so they know what's coming up.

Daily family workout:

1.  Take a ball to the park (basketball, football, volleyball soccer ball, pretty much any kind of ball)

2.  Play with your family or start some sort of game other people at the park.

Monday, August 25, 2014

8-25-2014: Padlocks and lockers

Today we assigned lockers and handed out padlocks.  If your son or daughter was finding it difficult to open their padlock today, here is a video that explains and demonstrates how to have success with the padlock.  <------- Click there

Daily family workout:


8 rounds of:
20 sec of sit ups
10 sec of rest

*Use this timer to keep track

Friday, August 22, 2014

8-22-2014: Up and coming

Typically this will not be a place where I discuss what is coming up in class, but here are a few upcoming dates to keep in mind:

Mon.  Aug 25 - Students will be assigned a locker and padlock
Tue.   Aug 26 - PE clothes sale, borrow, or bring day ($15 shirt and $10 for shorts)
Wed. Aug 27 - Dress rehearsal
Thur.  Aug 28 - Launch

Daily family workout:

1. Warm up:

  50 jumping jacks
  1 minute jog in place
  20 sit ups, curl ups or crunches 

2. Workout:

  5 rounds for *time:
  8 push ups
12 squats

*move as quickly as you can, while maintaining good form 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

8-21-2014: Working together

Getting work done as a group will be a common theme this year in physical education. The students will be stretched this year to work with groups of people that don't always share their same interests. Today students are researchers, teachers and students as they work through a document that will be a resource for their success this year in PE.  Each student today will have the responsibility of being an expert on their portion of the document, as well as share it with the group and listen and learn from others.  

Daily family workout:

1. Warm up:
    A. 30 sec high knees
    B. 30 sec butt-kickers
    C. 30 sec plank hold
    and repeat

2. Stretch

3. Workout:

Start a 4 minute timer and do as many burpees as you can in that time.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8-20-2014: The First Day of School

The First Day of School

             I imagine that the first day of school feels similar to teachers, parents and students alike.  Some of us (teachers, parents and students) are probably wondering where the summer has gone, while others of us have been eagerly awaiting the school years arrival.  
             No matter what our feelings are about the start of a new year, one thing is for certain... the students have continued to learn over the summer and they are prepared for what's next. They have grown in maturity as well as physical stature.  My plan is that by the end of this year the students use that growth to find new success in their physical ventures (sports, general health, fitness...).  Ultimately I hope to provide experiences for the students that spur them on toward ownership of their long term health and well-being.  So here is to a new year, full of new challenges.

As we move into this year, I am going to use this blog to keep parents informed as to what is happening in 7th and 8th grade PE weekly.  In most cases, it will be a review of what the students have done on any given day or week.   Please stay tuned for more.

Daily family workout:

Use a timer to:

A. Power walk ten minutes away from home
B. Rest 2 minutes (stretch and prepare to run)
C. Run home as quickly as you can