After splitting the class into two very large teams, the students put on waist flags and get on their half of the field. When I say go, they charge their opponent's "rock" pile and take a rock (in this case, a whiffle ball). If they can dodge their way back to their side, and put the rock in their pile, it gives them an advantage over their opponents. The team with the most amount of rocks in their pile when we stop the game wins a point.
Today our 7th and 8th grade students demonstrated why they are the leaders of the school. They showed a tremendous amount of control, speed and agility, not to mention aerobic capacity. It was fun to just step back and watch them play for 10-15 minutes.
Daily family workout
For every family member in your household complete 75 push ups over the weekend (break them up all weekend long).
For example: I live with my wife, brother-in-law, 2 dogs and a cat, so between the 3 of us humans we are going to do 350 push ups this weekend.